Many companies are finding was to make thier product eco-friendly. Some of these companies are producing packaging that can be upcycled. Puma shoes came out with a boxless way to package thier shoes, they now package thier shoes in reusable bags, Aquileqia Wine is staying away from plastic and using wood to package thier wine, thier package also turns into a wine rack that builds up as you buy more of thier product. Boxed water is a great way to get the water industry out of bottling water in plastic. The reason for boxed water is to be more eco-friendly and help save the environment. By making this boxed water packaging into a dog bowl you can up cycle the carton and get in touch with the environment. Going on a hike is healthy and helps you enjoy being in the untouched environment. When going on a walk it’s always fun to bring your favorite companion, a mans best friend. But it’s not that easy because animals need water too! When your trying to pour water into your dogs mouth, you waste more then the dog actually gets to drink. This design makes it easier to bring you buddy with you. If you refill the carton with tap water you can bring it along for the hike. When your dog gets thirsty you can rip the carton down the side and have a perfect dog bowl already filled with water.
Up cycling and reusing this product is important because we don’t need to make new materials to just throw away when we have old ones we can just reuse. This design is a great way to up cycle because you are reusing the carton in a way that can help you appreciate nature, which is ultimately what we are destroying by not recycling and reusing. Water is necessary for not only us to survive but also for animals so the carton is being up cycled in a practical, and useful way.
-Melissa Mlynarczyk
If you’re looking for a way to make feeding your dog more efficient and hassle-free, an automatic dog feeder is a game-changer. These devices help regulate portion sizes, preventing overfeeding, and can be set to provide meals at specific times, which is perfect for dogs who thrive on routine. Not only does it save time, but it also ensures that your furry friend stays healthy and well-nourished. A reliable automatic feeder is a must-have for modern pet owners looking to improve their dog's eating habits.